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Australia Street Infants School 2042 NSW. Tech Club. Term 2.  × 1 $195.00
Subtotal $195.00
PayPal fee $3.51
Total $198.51

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After School Club Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions set out the terms and conditions agreed between you (‘’You, ‘’Your’’) and STEM TECH CLUB. (‘’we’’, ‘’our’’, ‘’us’’) in relation to the registration and attendance of the child (or children) (‘’participant’’) whom you have registered for a Stem Tech Club After School Club (After School Club).

All participant information must be completed in full and must be correct at the time of registration. It is your responsibility to ensure that We have a contact number for you (or the participants parent or guardian if this is not you) in case of emergency at any time during the After School Club.

If You are not the participants parent or guardian, You confirm that You have made such parent or guardian fully aware of this registration and these terms and conditions (and that they have agreed to them in full).

  1. Booking and payment

1.1. All bookings and payments must be made in full through our website ( and will be confirmed by email.

1.2. Tech Club do not accept payment by voucher, cash or cheque.

1.3. Tech Club allocates children to places on a first come, first serve basis.

1.4. The number of places available per after school club is limited for health and safety and quality control purposes – we apologise in advance for those who are unable to book after the club is full.

1.5. Customers can register on a waiting list if the club is full. If a place becomes available the parent/guardian of the first child on the waiting list will contacted and offered the available place. The place will be reserved for that child for one day. If there has been no communication from the parent/guardian, the available place will be offered to the second child on the waiting list and so on. 

1.6. Tech Club will not accept direct requests from customers regarding free/subsidised places for children. These requests must be submitted to the school for consideration.

  1. Cancelling your booking

2.1. To cancel your child’s place and receive a full refund you must inform us by email at least 14 days before the start date of the club.

2.2. If you give less than 14 days’ notice before the start date of the club we regret that no refund is available as kits and equipment will have been ordered, manufactured and dispatched. However, your booking can be transferred i.e. credit of the total amount paid can put towards another Tech Club club.

2.3. Single sessions due to appointments/absence/events etc cannot be refunded.

  1. Venue cancellation

3.1. Only in exceptional circumstances we may have to cancel particular dates/venues.

3.2. In this event, we will notify parents/guardians of children booked onto the after school club as soon as possible. We will always try to offer a suitable alternative if one is available, or offer a full refund of that event or a credit towards Tech Club clubs – with the exceptions covered under point 21.

3.3. In the event that a session is unable to go ahead due to cancellation by the school we will do all we can to reschedule as soon as possible. Parents will be kept informed of these changes by email or text. If we are unable to set a replacement date, we are unable to supply a refund.

  1. Available dates and activities

4.1. All the information in our literature is correct at the time of publishing/printing.

4.2. Changes may occur and if so, Tech Club will inform parents/guardians via email/text and/or telephone as soon as possible.

4.3. Not every activity stated or pictured is available at every venue.

4.4. Activity programmes are subject to change in the event of unsuitable weather or other circumstance beyond our control.

  1. After school club timings

5.1. Our standard hours for after-school clubs are between 15:00 and 16:45. The after school club lasts for an hour unless otherwise stated.

5.2. All children must be collected by the scheduled finishing time of the after school club booked.

5.3. If for any reason you are detained and unable to collect your child by the scheduled finishing time, we ask that you call STEM TECH CLUB as soon as possible.

5.4. If we have no contact from a parent/guardian half an hour after the scheduled finishing time, we will contact local Social Services to advise them we have an uncollected child.

5.5. We reserve the right to refuse future bookings from parents who continually collect their child late.

  1. Collection personnel

6.1. Only the parent/guardian and other named collectors on the enrolment form can collect the named child.

6.2. If someone else is to collect the child, the parent/guardian should call and email the Tech Club office as soon as possible with the details of the temporary allocated collector i.e. full name and phone number. The office will provide a password for the temporary allocated collector to use when collecting the named child. Please do not communicate this password to other persons as this can jeopardise the security of the children at the after school club.

  1. Parental requirements

7.1. We have a no sharing food policy due to possible allergies. We respectfully ask for nut products not to be placed in snack boxes.

  1. Insurance

8.1. All children in our care are covered by our Public Liability Insurance.

  1. Health policy

9.1. Tech Club requires that all children who are ill or infectious are to be kept at home.

  1. First aid

10.1. In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered to the child in our care by the designated first aider in the school and the emergency services will be called if necessary.

10.2. If your child requires an epipen please disclose this on the booking form. Tech Club will then consult with the school and the parent regarding the arrangements.

  1. Photography and video 

11.1. We occasionally take photographs/videos of children for promotional materials. Please inform us by email ([email protected]) if you do not want your child to be included in this.

  1. Mobile phones and electronic devices

12.1. All electronic devices (e.g. iPads, Nintendo DS, etc.) are prohibited at our after school club.

12.2. If you wish for your child to carry a mobile phone and they are seen using it inappropriately, the instructor will confiscate it until the end of that session.

12.3. STEM TECH CLUB will not take any responsibility for the damage or loss of any electronic devices that are brought into the after school club.

  1. Equal opportunities and child protection

13.1. STEM TECH CLUB is an equal opportunities company and welcomes all children regardless of their gender, ability, race or religion.

13.2. Each child attending the after school club is equal and entitled to equal access of opportunity.

13.3. We operate a zero tolerance policy on discrimination or bullying of any kind.

13.4. STEM TECH CLUB has legal obligations in relation to Child Protection.

13.5. As a caring organisation, any suggestion of child abuse or neglect will be investigated and reported to our regulator or other official agencies.

13.6. All instructors have an enhanced DBS check.

  1. Special needs

14.1. It is our policy not to exclude any child due to specific needs wherever possible.

14.2. The needs of each child varies so decisions are made on a case-by-case basis depending on the level of support each child requires to enable them to fully participate and enjoy the activities at any of our after school clubs.

14.3. We request that parents of children with specific needs contact the STEM TECH CLUB office to discuss how we can best accommodate their child and consider whether any special arrangements need to be made. We are happy to accommodate the child on a trial basis and reserve the right to review further bookings.

  1. Child exclusion

15.1. On rare occasions, if a child proves incompatible with the general well-being of after school clubs (e.g. they are involved in bullying or are engaged in disruptive or aggressive behaviour) we reserve the right to exclude them. Please only enrol children who will agree to our behaviour and respect policies to eliminate this possibility.

15.2. No refund will be made for any remaining after school club sessions booked.

  1. Data protection

16.1. We will use your details to contact you via email, mail or text with important information about your booking and/or future information about our services.

16.2. You may opt out of our mailing list at any time after the enrolment stage. If you do not wish to receive any offers, you may opt out of this at any stage after the enrolment stage.

16.3. STEM TECH CLUB is registered under the Data Protection Act. 1998.

16.4 We do not share any of your personal information with external agencies.

16.5 Our GDPR policy is available on our website.

  1. Parent feedback

17.1. We aim to provide the best possible care for all children at all times.

17.2. Please tell other parents if you are happy with your experiences of STEM TECH CLUB.

17.3. If you have concerns or suggestions, please tell us. We value your feedback and use it to develop and improve our services.

17.4. Concerns should be raised initially with the instructor at the after school club to try to resolve the concerns immediately.

  1. Issues/concerns

18.1. The relevant manager at the STEM TECH CLUB office will be advised and also attempt to resolve the issue/concern to your satisfaction.

18.2. You agree to notify us of any concerns within 48 hours of any after school club session.

  1. Health & Safety

19.1. All projects are risk assessed, copies of which can be requested from Head Office.

19.2. On registration you will be asked to confirm that you acknowledge some projects contain detachable batteries. By checking this box you are confirming that you are aware and understand the health and safety implications of batteries, especially around small children.

19.3. All projects are constructed by the children, the quality of the finished products will therefore vary. It is possible that parts will become detached.

  1. Age ranges of Clubs

20.1. Our clubs are designed for an age range, predominantly (Y1&2) and (Y3-6). For smaller schools we have designed a club with sufficient differentiated challenge for Y1-6, although this age range is not ideal in one group it allows smaller schools to experience Tech Club After School Clubs.

20.2. When booking onto a club you are accepting that the educational levels and needs of the children in one group can differ significantly and the outcomes will also vary.

  1. Government Guideline & Pandemics

21.1 If any of our sessions are cancelled due to Government guidelines, or pandemics, we will try and provide the remaining projects to the children for completion at home, this will be alongside instructions.

21.2 If any of our clubs are cancelled due to Government guidelines, or pandemics, before beginning, we will attempt to rearrange the club. Where this isn’t possible, we will offer either the projects and instruction or credit.

21.3 In either case 21.1 or 21.2, we cannot guarantee a refund on sessions or clubs cancelled this way.


For further information please contact: [email protected]